.. _nextflow_5-page: ******************* Nextflow 5 ******************* Running nextflow on the CRG HPC ================================== For running on the CRG HPC you can use the `executor SGE `__ The HPC has several tools already installed that can be "loaded" as modules, for instance you might want to load **singularity version 3.7.0** for being used with your pipelines. For doing so you can add this string of code to your **.bashrc**, that is a file that is run every time you log to a remote computer in the HPC or you submit a job: .. code-block:: console vim $HOME/.bashrc Then add this at the end .. code-block:: console #EasyBuild module use /software/as/el7.2/EasyBuild/CRG/modules/all module load Singularity/3.7.0