.. _home-page-index: ******************* Welcome to the documentation of Master Of Pores 2 ******************* .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated .. image:: ../img/master_red.jpg :width: 400 Master of Pores is a pipeline written in Nextflow DSL2 for the analysis of Nanopore data. It can handle reads from direct RNAseq, cDNAseq, DNAseq etc. The pipeline is composed by theee modules: - mop_preprocess: preprocessing - mop_mod: detecting chemical modifications. It reads the output directly from mop_preprocess. - mop_tail: estimating polyA tail size. It reads the output directly from mop_preprocess - mop_consensus: it generates a consensus from the predictions from mop_mod. It reads the output directly from mop_mod .. MoP2 documentation master file, created by Luca Cozzuto. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 about install mop_preprocess mop_tail mop_mod mop_consensus reporting awsbatch benchmark changelog