.. _home-page-install: ************** How to install ************** .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated Please install nextflow `Nextflow `_ and either `Singularity `_ or `Docker `_ before. For installing Nextflow you need a POSIX compatible system (Linux, OS X, etc). It requires Bash 3.2 (or later) and Java 8 (or later, up to 17). Windows system is supported through WSL. For the installation of Nextflow just run: .. code-block:: console curl -s https://get.nextflow.io | bash For installing the pipeline you need to download the repo: .. code-block:: console git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules https://github.com/biocorecrg/MOP2.git You can use **INSTALL.sh** to download the **guppy 3.4.5** or you can download the version you prefer by adding an extra parameter. .. note:: Please consider that the support of VBZ compression of fast5 started with version 3.4.X. .. code-block:: console cd MoP2; bash INSTALL.sh or .. code-block:: console cd MoP2; bash INSTALL.sh 4.0.15 Testing ============ .. code-block:: console cd mop_preprocess nextflow run mop_preprocess.nf -with-singularity -bg -profile local > log .. tip:: You can replace ```-with-singularity``` with ```-with-docker``` if you want to use the docker engine. Apple M1 processor ==================== Use the profile **m1mac** for running on machines with Apple M1 processor. .. code-block:: console cd mop_preprocess nextflow run mop_preprocess.nf -with-singularity -bg -profile m1mac > log