.. _home-page-reporting: ************** Resource reporting ************** .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated Since each MOP pipeline is based on `Nextflow `_ we can use its embedded functions for reporting the use of resources as a html file and to have a live reporting. Html report ==================== For enabling the generation of a report just run each pipeline with the parameter `-with-report` as in the following example: .. code-block:: console nextflow run mop_preprocess.nf -profile local -with-docker -bg -with-report Once the pipeline is finished you will have a comprehensive report with information about CPU, disk and memory usage for each execution and as a distribution for each process. Here an example: .. image:: ../img/res_report.png :width: 800 Live reporting ==================== For having a live reporting your pipeline should run in an environment that has access to internet. Then you have to log-in to the `Tower.nf `_ website that is developed and mantained by the good people at `Seqera Labs `__. .. image:: ../img/tower.png :width: 800 We suggest you to use either the GitHub or the Google authentication: .. image:: ../img/tower_eli1.png :width: 800 You can generate your token at `https://tower.nf/tokens `__ and .. image:: ../img/tower2.png :width: 800 then you can export as an environmental variable. .. code-block:: console export TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN=*******YOUR***TOKEN*****HERE******* .. tip:: We recommend you to add this line to either your .bashrc or .bash_profile file. Finally we can then launch the pipeline adding the parameter `-with-tower`. .. code-block:: console nextflow run mop_preprocess.nf -profile local -with-docker -bg -with-tower Going back to the website you can see now your pipeline running and have a nice looking live reporting. .. image:: ../img/tower.gif :width: 800