.. _home-page-moptail: ******************* MOP_TAIL ******************* .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated This pipeline takes as input the output from MOP_PREPROCESS: basecalled fast5 reads, together with their respective fastq files, alignment and assignment read ID to gene/transcript. It outputs the estimation of poly(A) tail length at read level provided by **Tailfindr**, **Nanopolish** or both. Tailfinr can be run using three modes: standard, for Nano3P-seq protocol with R9 chemistry and Nano3P-seq protocol with R10 chemistry. .. image:: ../img/flow_tail.png :width: 600 :alt: mop_tail graph Input Parameters ====================== The input parameters are stored in yaml files like the one represented here: .. literalinclude:: ../mop_tail/params.yaml :language: yaml How to run the pipeline ============================= Before launching the pipeline,user should: 1. Decide which containers to use - either docker or singularity **[-with-docker / -with-singularity]**. 2. Fill in both **params.config** and **tools_opt.tsv** files. To launch the pipeline, please use the following command: .. code-block:: console nextflow run mop_tail.nf -params-file params.yaml -with-singularity > log.txt You can run the pipeline in the background adding the nextflow parameter **-bg**: .. code-block:: console nextflow run mop_tail.nf -params-file params.yaml -with-singularity -bg > log.txt You can change the parameters either by changing **params.config** file or by feeding the parameters via command line: .. code-block:: console nextflow run mop_tail.nf -params-file params.yaml -with-singularity -bg --output test2 > log.txt You can specify a different working directory with temporary files: .. code-block:: console nextflow run mop_tail.nf -params-file params.yaml -with-singularity -bg -w /path/working_directory > log.txt Results ==================== Several folders are created by the pipeline within the output directory specified by the **output** parameter: 1. NanoPolish: contains the output of *nanopolish* tool. 2. Tailfindr: contains the output of *tailfindr* tool. 3. PolyA_final: contains the txt files with the combined results (i.e. predicted polyA sizes). Here an example of a test: .. code-block:: console "Read name" "Tailfindr" "Nanopolish" "Gene Name" "013a5dde-9c52-4de1-83eb-db70fb2cd130" 52.16 49.39 "YKR072C" "01119f62-ca68-458d-aa1f-cf8c8c04cd3b" 231.64 274.28 "YDR133C" "0154ce9c-fe6b-4ebc-bbb1-517fdc524207" 24.05 24.24 "YFL044C" "020cde28-970d-4710-90a5-977e4b4bbc46" 41.27 56.79 "YGL238W" If both programs are run, an additional plot that shows the correlation of their results is generated. .. image:: ../img/mod_corr.png :width: 400