NanoPreprocess results

a) Spliced mapping

If you click on any sample below it will bring you to the processed data produced by NanoPreprocess module from MasterOfPores (base-called FAST5, FASTQ, per-gene counts, mapped BAMs, MultiQC report)

Parameters used for spliced NanoPreprocessing step can be found HERE.

Sample Sequencing type Reference Raw Reads Basecalled Reads Mapped reads Mapped reads (%) Identity (%)
PRJEB3379_WT dRNA Coronavirus 229E 428,120 428,120 82,197 19.19 90.47
PRJEB3379_SL2 dRNA Coronavirus 229E 310,957 310,957 69232 22.26 89.85
PRJNA608224_Australia_Infected dRNA Coronavirus Wuhan-Hu-1 680,347 680,347 199,283 29.29 90.02
[PRJNA608224_Australia_Infected] dRNA Green Monkey (ChlSab1.1) 680347 680347 - - -
PRJNA608224_Virions_Australia dRNA Coronavirus Wuhan-Hu-1 430,923 430,923 18,582 4.31 87.63
[8F6N9_Korea_VeroControl] dRNA Green Monkey (ChlSab1.1) 1,439,300 1,439,300 - - -
8F6N9_Korea_VeroInfected dRNA Coronavirus Wuhan-Hu-1 879,700 879,700 575,154 65.38 89.71

b ) Unspliced mapping

If you click on any sample below it will bring you to the processed data produced by NanoPreprocess module from MasterOfPores (base-called FAST5, FASTQ, per-gene counts, mapped BAMs, MultiQC report)

Sample Sequencing type Reference Raw Reads Basecalled Reads Mapped reads Mapped reads (%) Identity (%)
PRJEB3379_WT dRNA Coronavirus 229E 428,120 428,120 82,747 19.32 90.56
PRJEB3379_SL2 dRNA Coronavirus 229E 310,957 310,957 69,332 22.29 89.97
PRJNA608224_Australia_Infected dRNA Coronavirus Wuhan-Hu-1 680,347 680,347 199,920 29.38 90.47
8F6N9_Korea_IVT dRNA Coronavirus Wuhan-Hu-1 3,460,914 3,460,914 3,187,061 92.08 89
8F6N9_Korea_VeroInfected dRNA Coronavirus Wuhan-Hu-1 879,700 879,700 575,090 65.37 90.12