7.2 select

select will select (and optionally rename) columns/variables in a data frame / tibble.

Select column “name” only from the presidential2 object:

name start end party duration_days
Eisenhower 1953-01-20 1961-01-20 Republican 2922 days
Kennedy 1961-01-20 1963-11-22 Democratic 1036 days
Johnson 1963-11-22 1969-01-20 Democratic 1886 days
Nixon 1969-01-20 1974-08-09 Republican 2027 days
Ford 1974-08-09 1977-01-20 Republican 895 days
Carter 1977-01-20 1981-01-20 Democratic 1461 days
Reagan 1981-01-20 1989-01-20 Republican 2922 days
Bush 1989-01-20 1993-01-20 Republican 1461 days
Clinton 1993-01-20 2001-01-20 Democratic 2922 days
Bush 2001-01-20 2009-01-20 Republican 2922 days
Obama 2009-01-20 2017-01-20 Democratic 2922 days

Select 2 columns: party and name (in that order):

       party, name)

Rename a column as you select it:

       party, President=name)

Select all columns except party with the - sign:


Select all columns between start and party (with both columns included)

## # A tibble: 11 x 3
##    start      end        party     
##    <date>     <date>     <chr>     
##  1 1953-01-20 1961-01-20 Republican
##  2 1961-01-20 1963-11-22 Democratic
##  3 1963-11-22 1969-01-20 Democratic
##  4 1969-01-20 1974-08-09 Republican
##  5 1974-08-09 1977-01-20 Republican
##  6 1977-01-20 1981-01-20 Democratic
##  7 1981-01-20 1989-01-20 Republican
##  8 1989-01-20 1993-01-20 Republican
##  9 1993-01-20 2001-01-20 Democratic
## 10 2001-01-20 2009-01-20 Republican
## 11 2009-01-20 2017-01-20 Democratic

7.2.1 select_if

Select only columns containing characters with select_if():

# select columns containing characters:
## # A tibble: 11 x 2
##    name       party     
##    <chr>      <chr>     
##  1 Eisenhower Republican
##  2 Kennedy    Democratic
##  3 Johnson    Democratic
##  4 Nixon      Republican
##  5 Ford       Republican
##  6 Carter     Democratic
##  7 Reagan     Republican
##  8 Bush       Republican
##  9 Clinton    Democratic
## 10 Bush       Republican
## 11 Obama      Democratic

Select only columns containing a date with the is.Date function from the lubridate package:

## # A tibble: 11 x 2
##    start      end       
##    <date>     <date>    
##  1 1953-01-20 1961-01-20
##  2 1961-01-20 1963-11-22
##  3 1963-11-22 1969-01-20
##  4 1969-01-20 1974-08-09
##  5 1974-08-09 1977-01-20
##  6 1977-01-20 1981-01-20
##  7 1981-01-20 1989-01-20
##  8 1989-01-20 1993-01-20
##  9 1993-01-20 2001-01-20
## 10 2001-01-20 2009-01-20
## 11 2009-01-20 2017-01-20


For the next hands-on, we will use th starwars dataset: it contains information about the Star Wars movie characters:

name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender
Luke Skywalker 172 77 blond fair blue 19.0 male masculine
C-3PO 167 75 NA gold yellow 112.0 none masculine
R2-D2 96 32 NA white, blue red 33.0 none masculine
Darth Vader 202 136 none white yellow 41.9 male masculine
Leia Organa 150 49 brown light brown 19.0 female feminine
  • Create a new column BMI that contains the BMI of each character (Body Mass Index, calculated as weight in kg / (height in m)^2: we will assume that the height column is expressed as cm and the mass column is expressed as kg)
  • Rename column name to character_name.
  • Remove columns vehicles and starships.
  • Save all the changes into the new tibble starwarsBMI (use the %>% !).
# Create a new column BMI that contains the BMI of each character
mutate(starwars, BMI=mass/(height*0.01)^2)

# Rename column name to character_name.
rename(starwars, character_name=name)

# Remove columns `vehicles` and `starships`.
select(starwars, -c(vehicles, starships))

# Save all the changes into the new tibble starwarsBMI (use the %>% operator)
starwarsBMI <- starwars %>% 
  mutate(BMI=mass/(height*0.01)^2) %>% 
  select(-c(vehicles, starships)) %>%

7.2.2 select using patterns

Some select helpers are available, that help you select columns given certain patterns in their names:

Table 7.3: select helpers
name description
starts_with starts with a prefix
ends_with ends with a suffix
contains contains a literal string
matches matches a regular expression
num_range matches a numerical range like x01, x02, x03

For example, select only columns from the starwars dataset which name end with “color”:

## # A tibble: 87 x 3
##    hair_color    skin_color  eye_color
##    <chr>         <chr>       <chr>    
##  1 blond         fair        blue     
##  2 <NA>          gold        yellow   
##  3 <NA>          white, blue red      
##  4 none          white       yellow   
##  5 brown         light       brown    
##  6 brown, grey   light       blue     
##  7 brown         light       blue     
##  8 <NA>          white, red  red      
##  9 black         light       brown    
## 10 auburn, white fair        blue-gray
## # … with 77 more rows

Or which start with the letter h:

## # A tibble: 87 x 3
##    height hair_color    homeworld
##     <int> <chr>         <chr>    
##  1    172 blond         Tatooine 
##  2    167 <NA>          Tatooine 
##  3     96 <NA>          Naboo    
##  4    202 none          Tatooine 
##  5    150 brown         Alderaan 
##  6    178 brown, grey   Tatooine 
##  7    165 brown         Tatooine 
##  8     97 <NA>          Tatooine 
##  9    183 black         Tatooine 
## 10    182 auburn, white Stewjon  
## # … with 77 more rows

If you are familiar with regular expressions, you can also use them within the matches function:

       matches("^h")) # same as starts_with("h")
## # A tibble: 87 x 3
##    height hair_color    homeworld
##     <int> <chr>         <chr>    
##  1    172 blond         Tatooine 
##  2    167 <NA>          Tatooine 
##  3     96 <NA>          Naboo    
##  4    202 none          Tatooine 
##  5    150 brown         Alderaan 
##  6    178 brown, grey   Tatooine 
##  7    165 brown         Tatooine 
##  8     97 <NA>          Tatooine 
##  9    183 black         Tatooine 
## 10    182 auburn, white Stewjon  
## # … with 77 more rows

Finally, you can select columns which name match a numerical range with num_range.
For example, let’s take the billboard dataset that contains column names wk1, wk2, wk3 … up to wk76, and select only columns from wk18 to wk22:

       num_range("wk", 18:22))
## # A tibble: 317 x 5
##     wk18  wk19  wk20  wk21  wk22
##    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
##  2    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
##  3    18    18    14    12     7
##  4    67    73    70    NA    NA
##  5    96    NA    NA    NA    NA
##  6    84    93    94    NA    NA
##  7    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
##  8    67    83    86    NA    NA
##  9     2     3     4     5     5
## 10    71    79    89    NA    NA
## # … with 307 more rows