5.1 What is “tidy” data?

Tidy data is where:

  • Each column describes a variable.
  • Each row describes an observation.
  • Each value is a cell.
Tidy data. [Source](https://garrettgman.github.io/images/tidy-1.png)

Figure 5.1: Tidy data. Source

Example of a tidy data:

day month year weight height
12 4 2020 3.5 48
23 8 2019 2.9 50
9 11 2020 3.8 50

Example of untidy data:

day month,year weight height
12 4,2020 3.5kg 48
23 8,2019 2.9kg 50
9 11,2020 3.8kg 50

Here we introduce some useful functions from the tidyr package to clean up and organize data so as to obtain tidy data that can then be processed more easily.