19.9 Exercise 12: ggplot2

Create the script “exercise12.R” and save it to the “Rcourse/Module3” directory: you will save all the commands of exercise 12 in that script.
Remember you can comment the code using #.


19.9.1 Exercise 12a- Scatter plot

1- Load ggplot2 package


2- Download the data we will use for plotting:

3- Read file into object “project1” (remember the input/output tutorial!)

About this file:

  • It is comma separated (csv format).
  • The first row is the header.
  • Take the row names from the first column.


4- Using ggplot, create a simple scatter plot representing gene expression of “sampleB” on the x-axis and “sampleH” on the y-axis.


5- Add a column to the data frame “project1” (call this column “expr_limits”), that will be filled the following way:

  • if the expression of a gene is > 13 in both sampleB and sampleH, set to the value in “expr_limits” to “high”
  • if the expression of a gene is < 6 in both sampleB and sampleH, set it to “low”
  • if different, set it to “normal”.


6- Color the points of the scatter plot according to the newly created column “expr_limits”. Save that plot in the object “p”


7- Add a layer to “p” in order to change the points colors to blue (for low), grey (for normal) and red (for high). Save this plot in the object “p2”.


8- Save p2 in a jpeg file. a. Try with RStudio Plots window (Export)
b. Try in the console:


19.9.2 Exercise 12b- Box plot

1- Convert “project1” from a wide format to a long format: save in the object “project_long” Note: remember melt function from reshape2 package.


2- Produce a boxplot of the expression of all samples (i.e. each sample is represented by a box)


3- Modify the previous boxplot so as to obtain 3 “sub-boxplots” per sample, each representing the expression of either “low”, “normal” or “high” genes.


4- Rotate the x-axis labels (90 degrees angle).
This is new ! Google it !!


5- Finally, add a title of your choice to the plot.


19.9.3 Exercise 12c- Bar plot

1- Produce a bar plot of how many low/normal/high genes are in the column “expr_limits” of “project1”.


2- Add an horizontal line at counts 250 (y-axis). Save the plot in the object “bar”


3- Swap the x and y axis. Save in object “bar2”.


4- Save “bar” and “bar2” plots in a “png” file, using the png()** function, in the console: use grid.arrange (from the gridExtra package) to organize both plots in one page !**


19.9.4 Exercise 12d- Histogram

1- Create a simple histogram using project_long (column “value”).


2- Notice that you get the following warning message" stat_bin() using bins = 30. Pick better value with binwidth.
Set “bins”" parameter of geom_histogram() to 50.


3- The histogram plots the expression values for All samples.
Change the plot so as to obtain one histograms per sample.


4- By default, geom_histogram produces a stacked histogram.
Change argument “position” to “dodge”.


5- A bit messy ?? Run the following:

facet_grid() is another easy way to split the views!

6- Change the default colors with scale_fill_manual().
You can try the rainbow() function for coloring.


7- “Zoom in” the plots: set the x-axis limits from from 6 to 13.
Add the xlim() layer.


8- Change the default theme to theme_minimal()


9- Save that last plot to a file (format of your choice) with ggsave()
