9.9 Exercise 5. Data frame manipulation
Create the script “exercise5.R” and save it to the “Rcourse/Module1” directory: you will save all the commands of exercise 5 in that script.
Remember you can comment the code using #.
9.9.1 Exercise 5a
1- Create the following data frame:
43 | 181 | M |
34 | 172 | F |
22 | 189 | M |
27 | 167 | F |
With Row names: John, Jessica, Steve, Rachel.
And Column names: Age, Height, Sex.
<- data.frame(Age=c(43, 34, 22, 27, 31),
mydf Height=c(181, 172, 189, 167, 177),
Sex=c("M", "F", "M", "F", "M"),
row.names = c("John", "Jessica", "Steve", "Rachel", "Gary"))
2- Check the structure of mydf with str().
3- Calculate the average/mean age and height in mydf.
Try different approaches:
- Calculate the average for each column separately.
- Calculate the average of both columns simultaneously using the apply() function.
# Try with the whole data frame:
apply(mydf[,-3], 2, mean)
# it doesn't work, because one of the columns ("Sex")contains characters!
# we have to remove the Sex column! Here are 4 ways to do it:
# remove it by the index
apply(mydf[,-3], 2, mean)
# keep only the remaining columns, using the indices
apply(mydf[,1:2], 2, mean)
# keep only the remaining columns, using the column names
apply(mydf[,c("Age", "Height")], 2, mean)
# remove the "Sex" column using grep
apply(mydf[,grep(pattern="Sex", x=colnames(mydf), invert=TRUE)], 2, mean)
4- Change the row names of mydf so the data becomes anonymous: Use Patient1, Patient2, etc. instead of actual names.
rownames(mydf) <- c("Patient1", "Patient2", "Patient3", "Patient4", "Patient5")
# try also the paste function!
rownames(mydf) <- paste("Patient", 1:5, sep="")
5- Create the data frame mydf2 that is a subset of mydf containing only the female entries.
# which elements are female ("F" in the "Sex" colum)
mydf# retrieve rows that contain the female entries, and save in mydf2
<- mydf[mydf$Sex=="F",] mydf2
6- Create the data frame mydf3 that is a subset of mydf containing only entries of males taller than 170.
# which entries are males
mydf# which entries are greater than 180 in column "Height"
$Sex=="M" & mydf$Height > 180
mydf# retrieve rows that contain the males that are taller than 180, and save in mydf3
<- mydf[mydf$Sex=="M" & mydf$Height > 180,] mydf3
9.9.2 Exercise 5b
1. Create two data frames mydf1 and mydf2 as:
1 | 14 |
2 | 12 |
3 | 15 |
4 | 10 |
1 | paul |
2 | helen |
3 | emily |
4 | john |
5 | mark |
With column names: “id,” “age” for mydf1, and “id,” “name” for mydf2.
<- data.frame(id=1:4, age=c(14,12,15,10))
mydf1 <- data.frame(id=1:5, name=c("paul", "helen", "emily", "john", "mark")) mydf2
2- Merge mydf1 and mydf2 by their “id” column. Look for the help page of merge and/or Google it!
# input 2 data frames
# "by" columns indicate by which column you want to merge the data
merge(x=mydf1, y=mydf2, by.x="id", by.y="id")
<- merge(x=mydf1, y=mydf2, by="id") mydf3
3- Order mydf3 by decreasing age. Look for the help page of order.
# order the age column (default is increasing order)
# order the age column by decreasing order
order(mydf3$age, decreasing = TRUE)
# order the whole data frame by the column age in decreasing order
order(mydf3$age, decreasing = TRUE), ] mydf3[
9.9.3 Exercise 5c
1- Using the download.file function, download this file to your current directory. (Right click on “this file” -> Copy link location to get the full path).
# failing: download.file("https://github.com/sbcrg/CRG_RIntroduction/blob/master/genes_dataframe.RData", "genes_dataframe.RData")
download.file("https://public-docs.crg.es/biocore/sbonnin/Rcourse/genes_dataframe.RData", "genes_dataframe.RData")
2- The function dir() lists the files and directories present in the current directory: check if genes_dataframe.RData was copied.
3- Load genes_dataframe.RData in your environment
Use the load function.
The .RData file format contains the environment (objects) of an R session.
4- genes_dataframe.RData contains the mydf_genes object (it is a data frame): is it now present in your environment?
# check in the upper-right panel "Environment" tab of RStudio, or run:
5- Explore mydf_genes and see what it contains You can use a variety of functions: str, head, tail, dim, colnames, rownames, class…
6- Select rows for which pvalue_KOvsWT < 0.05 AND log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > 0.5. Store in the up object.
# rows where pvalue_KOvsWT < 0.05
$pvalue_KOvsWT < 0.05
mydf_genes# rows where log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > 0.5
$log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > 0.5
mydf_genes# rows that comply both of the above conditions
$pvalue_KOvsWT < 0.05 & mydf_genes$log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > 0.5
mydf_genes# select rows for which pvalue_KOvsWT < 0.05 AND log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > 0.5
<- mydf_genes[mydf_genes$pvalue_KOvsWT < 0.05 &
up $log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > 0.5,] mydf_genes
How many rows (genes) were selected?
7- Select from the up object the Zinc finger protein coding genes (i.e. the gene symbol starts with Zfp). Use the grep() function.
# extract gene symbol column
up# use grep to get the genes matching the pattern "Zfp"
grep("Zf", up$gene_symbol), ] up[
8- Select rows for which pvalue_KOvsWT < 0.05 AND log2FoldChange_KOvsWT is > 0.5 OR < -0.5.
For the selection of log2FoldChange: give the abs function a try!
Store in the diff_genes object.
# rows where pvalue_KOvsWT < 0.05
$pvalue_KOvsWT < 0.05
mydf_genes# rows where log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > 0.5
$log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > 0.5
mydf_genes# rows where log2FoldChange_KOvsWT < -0.5
$log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > -0.5
mydf_genes# rows where log2FoldChange_KOvsWT < -0.5 OR log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > 0.5
$log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > 0.5 | mydf_genes$log2FoldChange_KOvsWT > -0.5
mydf_genes# same as above but using the abs function
abs(mydf_genes$log2FoldChange_KOvsWT) > 0.5
# combine all required criteria
$pvalue_KOvsWT < 0.05 & abs(mydf_genes$log2FoldChange_KOvsWT) > 0.5
mydf_genes# extract corresponding entries
<- mydf_genes[mydf_genes$pvalue_KOvsWT < 0.05 &
diff_genes abs(mydf_genes$log2FoldChange_KOvsWT) > 0.5,]
How many rows (genes) were selected?